Q: Can anyone join Servas?
A: Yes, Servas is open to everyone over 18 who shares Servas values. There is no upper age limit.
We also attempt to encourage contacts between young people from different countries (the Servas Youth Language Experience or SYLE)
Q: How do I become a Servas member?
A: You may apply to join on-line here
To become a member you will be interviewed. When you are accepted as a member and pay a membership fee, you will receive an introductory email advising you how to get on-line.
When you become a member you can manage your own details. You can choose to host and set up your hosting profile. You can choose to travel and set up your Letter of Introduction or both or maybe neither for now.
On the Servas International website, you may search for other Servas Hosts and members Worldwide.
Q: How long does it take to become a member?
A: Typically, it will take two weeks from your initial enquiry. If all goes smoothly with no delays it may take as little as one week. Organising the interview in a timely way is the key. Interviews in person are preferred but if necessary, a phone interview will be allowed.
Q: How do I visit other hosts with Servas?
A: To travel worldwide with Sevas, you will need to complete the Letter of Introduction (LOI) section after logging into the Servas International website. Before you travel abroad with Servas, your LOI must be approved and electronically stamped by your local Servas Travel Officer. You will then be able to download the LOI in pdf format which you can send to the hosts you contact and print and take with you should they request it from you.
An LOI lasts for one year and is your "passport" to visit other Servas Hosts. In Australia as of 2025, the membership fee of $25/year includes the cost of the LOI.
Q: Is it possible to join Servas when I am already travelling?
A: In general, you should become a member of Servas before travelling. However, some countries have special arrangements, which make this possible.
Q: How long can I stay for?
A: A Servas visit is normally for two nights. Some hosts indicate in their profile that they are okay with a stay of only one night, but this should be agreed in advance with your host.
You should not expect a stay with your host for more than the two nights although hosts are welcome to invite you to stay longer. The only time you may ask for more than two nights is when a host states that they accept longer stays but ask about this before you travel.
Q: How much does it cost to stay with a Servas host?
A: There is no cost, but some travellers like to bring a small gift from their country. The main point of your visit is to spend some time together and to share ideas and experiences. Travellers have the chance to take part in the everyday life of the host’s household.
Q: Can I be a traveller without being a host as well?
A. Yes, you can be a traveller without being a host.
Q: Are Servas Members online?
A: All Servas members are online. The Serva international membership system www.servas.org allows only Servas members access to see other members profiles. The Servas IT team manages the website and aims to ensure members data is secure and that we are meeting all our security and privacy obligations as set out by global authorities.
Q: Who runs Servas Australia?
A: Servas Australia has a national board of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Peace Secretary and a representative for each state and territory. The board is elected at the Servas Australia AGM with terms of 3 years for each role. All Servas board positions in Australia and Globally are unpaid volunteers. Servas Australia is divided into regions, each with hopefully two volunteers for the Host co-ordinator and Travel Officer (the Travel Officer approves the members LOIs). Servas Australia and Servas International are non-profit organisations. Funds raised by Servas worldwide go back into projects which support the aims and values of Servas. This includes the Servas International Conference which happens every 3 years. Travel to and attendance at the conference for key workers e.g. Servas Australia President is funded by Servas Australia. t. See the International Conference Website for more information.
Q: How did Servas begin?
A: Servas started just after the Second World War, when a group of friends from different countries who were meeting in Denmark came up with the idea of an 'open doors' network. Their aim was to work for peace by creating a framework for like-minded people to enjoy hospitality in members' home and promote international understanding. From there, Servas has grown into an international, non-governmental peace association with consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. For more details, see a brief history of Servas on the Servas International website
To see an online video on how Servas works click here